Thursday, August 22, 2013

AB3: .hack// Another Birth (vol. 1//INFECTION)

Akira, who hates role-playing games, still enters an online fantasy game called The World to be able to discover the mystery to save her younger brother who lost consciousness while playing.

It cannot be denied that the young generation today is hooked with these kinds of online games. Parents can describe this as a different kind of addiction - an addiction because kids choose it over study, over meal, or even over sleep. Even though they are just in front of a computer, they communicate with other players who are playing at the same time as they are.

Internet, which is considered as the new media, takes over all forms of media that we know of. Somewhat, it can be identified as a package or all-in-one. While others preserve the traditional media, this new media still has negative effects just like the others. In social media, cyber-bullying exist and identity theft. For gaming, it is like the new gadgets that comes out because people can already play just by sitting down, unlike before wherein you call your friends to play activities that involves one’s presence physically like tumbang preso, patintero, sekyu-base, piko, mataya-taya, and others.

.hack// Another Birth is a series that calls our attention to remind us of the thought that “too much of something is bad.”

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