Monday, June 10, 2013

Remind Me (1)

I, Eric Pastor, a current LPU Manila graduating student, taking up AB Mass Communication with specialization in Broadcast Communication, because of my journalism background in high school newspaper, do hereby solemnly promise and write this document to take an oath to fully commit to the field I chose, by balancing my academics, extra-curricular activities, and outside and social life using my elective “Media Studies” by watching television at least 30 minutes a day or 1 hour if possible; by reading news either printed or online whenever I have vacant time, when in school library, or when visiting social media site or surfing the net; by analyzing commercials and billboards or any form of advertisement and taking note of details; by listening to radio, both FM and AM, as much as possible while travelling (through phone or stereo) or at home during weekends and rest days; allowing anyone who reads this to bother me and remind me of my duties and responsibilities and whenever I read this again, it shall serve it purpose to prove that I shall abide to this agreement to ensure my success by achieving my goal.

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