Monday, June 6, 2011

Killing Spree*

There's a series of murder on a wedding party for one week and you're stuck with just one killer, eliminating members of your group whenever possible. But you later discover that he has an accomplice running and hiding with you, even helping. What would you do?

Who's like me who loves to watch horror and mystery? I recommend "Harper's Island"!

Well, what can I say? It's full of twists and turns. It's like 'Survivor.' There's this part in the series where Trish and her dad was pursued by a dog and I really freaked out. Dogs don't like me, so I don't like them. I almost jumped from the sofa. They just went from "an accident" in the woods and then when you meet a person to ask for help, all he gives is a dog on the loose? And when you thought it was all over, when Danny was playing cards with the creepy Madison- yeah, she's creepy; want to check her out?- and they were having fun, it was so startling when the serial killer just grabbed Danny in his neck with a belt. Now, I don't really like to live in an island. Not that I cannot live. I can. It's just that I'm not comfortable with all woods around you, even though I love the color green, and you are away from the main land.

But in the end, I got happy because Abby and Jimmy ended up together. I like them as couple. Haha! I had been waiting for each episode whether Jimmy will be able to survive and yes, he did! Until the end. Abby was like, untouchable. So, don't worry about her. :D

I also have other favorite scenarios. One is when Richard was harpooned when he was outside talking to somebody over the phone. You will think that his daughter witnessed what happened because you can see her in the window of her room. Sad to say, but it's still funny, because what she saw was dirt on her face because she's in front of a mirror in front of the window. Cool, huh? The other scene is when Chloe acted as a girlfriend of a local guy because he found the ring of Cal, which he would have used to propose to her but got lost days ago, and used it to propose to his girlfriend. Chloe slapped the guy real hard, and his girlfriend bought the acting and threw the ring, so Cal looked for it. When he got it, they ran towards the door laughing. Hahaha! XD

After watching the special episodes 'Solved' and 'Unsolved', filming is proven not to be easy. You have to go in places for locations that is appropriate for the scene. Also, creating props for decapitated and torn-into-two bodies, head, skull, and designing a set takes a lot of time. But it was worth it because it turned out to be really creepy, exciting, suspenseful. You really have to see into each character to know, or guess, who the killer/s are because the cast were able to portray the desired people involved in the story.

The titles for each episode are an onomatopoeia alluding to the method of murder used by the killer in that particular episode.
*killing spree - a number of murders, in a short span of time; a rampage

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