Sunday, June 19, 2011

First Time Past Time

I like stories, whether it be a book or a movie, that are horror, mystery, suspense, or thriller. But for the first time in history, which happens to be both book and movie, it didn't appeal to me. It's the "Boogeyman!"

I like reading even though I have poor eyesight. It's fun and I learn things by doing so. However, the difference this time is that I read just for past time. And for your information, every time I hold this book, I haven't started to read yet, I always fall asleep. It's like it's draining my energy. Or if I am awake, I slowly become sleepy, and I fall asleep. I don't know how to rate it. I just read it because I don't have anything to read yet. But, I still understood the story and my favorite line, or should I say paragraph, is as follows:

"He had never much liked carnivals or thrill rides.
They relied too much on darkness for their scares.
He knew that for some people they provided nothing but a momentary fright,
an enjoyable frisson of unease that they looked forward to and were willing to pay money to experience."

As for the movie, as usual, there parts that have been skipped. Nonetheless, it was interpreted just like in the book. There are still some scenes that were altered or some sort.

There is another title that I always get interested though it's not scary despite the fact that it should as its title implies. It's the "Goosebumps!"

Of all the Goosebumps I have read, this 1997 published "How I Learned to Fly" is my favorite. Yes, it's has a fictional story, but as any other cartoons or animes can teach lessons, this goes like them. I like how the story ended. It really woke me up even though I already knew what was said there.

I am still looking everywhere to have a copy of this, but sad to say, there's none yet. When I do have a copy, I can lend it to you. :D

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