Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Advancing Technology

Advancing technology has touched the field of print media bringing in what is called as ebook.

I must tell you, I downloaded a lot of them before, but as I have mentioned in an old entry, I had a hard time reading on monitor. Then, recently, I found myself downloading again. In the past, I downloaded a lot for safekeeping and somehow, it did not work out so I avoided them. A long time has passed since I've collected and read. So, why not try again, right?

My interest in ebooks sparked again because I saw this Jack the Ripper book and had a battle with myself. I like the book, it is cheap, but should I really buy it? I searched the web and was amazed to find an ebook version. With that, I had to decide whether I'm going to grab the hard copy or go for the free one. I made my decision and I chose to get the softcopy.

I finally found their usefulness. I finally learned their value so I’m now making use of them. Hey, I have to say, it pretty much saves a lot of money. I weigh from time to time if I actually want to have a hard copy of a particular title and if I answer no, then, I choose the ebook and I can save money for another one that I find interesting. After all, I only have to invest in time (to look for titles and download them) and electricity (of my computer in searching and of my gadget used for reading).

Learning that National Bookstore is also promoting ebook, I did my research and learned that they made a partnership with Kobo for people to have options. At first, I had doubts how the print media will survive nowadays. Thinking deep enough, I believe that with the new technologies that are arising, print will not vanish, As someone from NBS stated, they are still the National Bookstore. They said that all they wanted was to provide choices for their customers and it is good. In the end, it is still about reading. Their business benefits from the alliance, but the main topic and goal is providing reading materials, things that entertains us or educates us, or both. Read on!


  1. sounds like where i'm working at. hahha there are pros and cons about this though.

    1. I agree. Although I can't remember which entry I did mentioned something about me liking hard copies more than soft copies. Haha!
