Thursday, February 14, 2013

You Fixed My Cup

“How many do you see...? Look at me. You’re focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can’t see the solution. Never focus on the problem. Look at me... Let’s see what no one else sees. See what everyone else chooses not to see... See the whole world anew each day...”

As an avid film viewer, I really love to watch movies. Whatever genre it may be, it’s fine, but of course, horror, suspense, thriller, or mystery is preferred.

One of my favourite movies is ‘Patch Adams’ starring Robin Williams. It is based on a true story that is really inspiring and touches comedy. It is inspirational simply because the main character never gave up in life. Though some of the turn of events in his life is tragic, he still stood up after falling.

Patch is the type of person who tries to please everyone. The saying “you cannot please everyone” is well-known, but this 1999 film and his story is different. Aspiring to be a doctor, he really wanted to make a deeper connection and relationship with his patients. Some people did not like him. He just ignored it and just continued and didn’t stop.

For people looking for some humour, this is suggested. At the same time, be inspired. It hits two birds with one stone.

P.S. If I just may add, the first time I watched this film was back in high school in Technical Arts subject. So, you may wonder, what’s the relevance? Well, our teacher bid farewell because he will teach in another school. This is his parting message.

How many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?

So make an attempt to grow further... Why shouldn’t we try it again?


I hope that this movie would inspire you in achieving your goals in LIFE.

As long as you have the DETERMINATION and COURAGE, YOU can achieve what you want...

God Bless and Good Luck to your next JOURNEY...

I hope that you won’t forget ME as your TEACHER.

I will miss YOU.

-Sir Jonald Salinas (to Class 2010) last 2009

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