"Things are not complicated, my child. They are never and they never were. It's what you do that makes them complicated."
-Taken from
"CROSSROADS: Love and All That's Left"
by MJ Mariano
It has long been in my mind that this is very true. Now that I finally have the opportunity to make a composition out of this, I might as well grab the situation and make good use of it. XD
Every thing is simple. That's how it is. What's complicated is actually us because it's kind of programmed in us to make things complicated. You may say that it is some what our nature.
For instance, people who have misunderstanding will keep on explaining their sides that eventually leads to an argument which will involve shouting. Where in fact, a brief explanation will do, then end it by saying sorry (all of you people involved!). Our pride will keep us like this because many of us won't admit that some things are our fault. The usual "It's their fault!" drives people to be so stubborn.
In a school set up, some students will make activities more difficult when you can easily finish them fast and simple. I get the point that some will really exert so much effort to have a good quality output (because I'm one of them ;P) but some people doesn't take into consideration the capabilities of their members (not me any more because I know how to divide labor according to capacity). My standards are high, but I know how to adapt to this kind of situation. I do this simply because I want them to learn... that they should not depend on others always. But, you see? It's also my nature to make things complicated. Hahaha! XD Nevertheless, I BELIEVE IN THE BEAUTY OF SIMPLICITY because that is how I work most of the time - individually.
There are a lot more scenarios like this but I will not tell them one by one. It might be better if you guys will reflect on it.
Some people may be happy from a simple thing. In Filipino, 'mababaw ang kaligayahan.' I am like that because I know how to appreciate the simple things. As Sherlock Holmes says (my favorite quote as well), "It has long been an axiom of mine that the simple things are infinitely the most important." because at the end of the day, after all, every thing is simply amazing.:))