Friday, October 28, 2011

She is?

Just by being a student, an officer of different positions, or by being a student leader, I know how hard it is to manage a class. Maybe that's the reason why I have never hated a teacher before. I know how they feel, I know how they teach and I know why they are like that. Maybe not exactly, but I still know some things.

I may have made fun of them secretly, it all passed out eventually. (I admit, I still do when I am with friends of long-time-no-see, but we're old and mature now and we know the limits). I may have said a lot of bad things about some of them at the beginning, that was only in the beginning. Everything changed when I knew them as time passed by. I know how to respect and accept them.

That is how I had composed my first post about teachers, I believe. Whenever I say something bad, as my professor said, I then counter them.

As I watched this 2011 film, I really got interested at how the main character played by Cameron Diaz will use each co-worker and each student to her advantage. I stay tuned. She made progress everyday. Haha! She was so bad that she can destroy the reputation of others just so she can build her's up. Then I realized, everything she was suddenly changed when the character she plays learned that by being a good teacher, she can have lots of money because there was some kind of competition. She needed money so badly because she wants an operation on her "future."

Actually, by being good, we will be rewarded. Not money at times but is it really needed to be money all the time?

Even though she was money driven, she still affected everyone around her in different ways. To some, they were good. To others, they were bad. But in the end, she still adopted. All the bad beginning of her teaching became better. She became so strict that she wants each and everyone to learn what she is teaching. Until the end, she had a boyfriend and became a guidance counsellor.

Yes, we need money. But why become so serious of doing bad things just to acquire it? Our relationships with other people are more important so don't sacrifice it. Be an example to others because in our own way, we are also teachers. As young as we are my friends, we are teachers. By the way, I'm 17 years old. Ahaha! :P

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